Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Well as promised I managed to do some training over the weekend!

Sat - 1:30 on the bike...went for an adventure around A's house and found some really decent hills!

Mon- 40 min run around Carro

Tues- Swim canned, so just a harder run around Carro for about 20 mins.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Wow! It has been ages since I posted anything! What a slack ass! I would like to say that I havent been able to post because I have been so flat out training that I havent had a chance to blog, but unfortunatley there are other things that have been stopping the blogging!

1. I have only just got the internet back. And in my experience, without the internet it is incredibly hard to blog...the carrier pigeons just cant get the message right!
2. I have been flat stick at work. Camps, Camps, and some more camps. The last couple of weeks I have been thrashed, with heaps and heaps (more than normal) happening...
3. I have been writing my thesis, and have a couple of re-writes to do and then will be done..of course I cant hand it in until i finish all of my placement hours (only 100 days...) but then it will be Dr Lins thankyou very much!

So despite all of this, I have been managing to get some training in. My shoulder and neck have been giving me lots of grief of late which no doubt is the direct result of the amount of work that I have been doing on my laptop which is hindered by cycling or so it would seem...

This week...
Monday - Pilates - 40 mins (In an attempt to strengthen the dodgy muscle)
Tuesday - 20 Min run and 1 hr swim
Wednesday- 30 mins on the wind trainer (stupid rain)
Thursday - 15 mins sprint and strength training
Friday - 20 min hill run

Tommorrow I am planning on taking Vanessa for an adventure while I am in syd and see what I can find.....amazingly running seems to help my neck and shoulder (probably because my posture is better when I run) so I have been trying to do a bit more, and trying to get at least one swim session in a week.

I have also been surfing (I use this term very loosley) I try and surf...mostly I fall down, but I am having heaps of fun doing it, so I guess it doesnt matter.

So enough about me...how have you been?

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