Monday, February 27, 2006



ok. so the plans which i have had for the weekend and the training have gone bad. I have been sick all weekend and have pretty much spent it asleep. grrrr.

I missed my club race on sunday which i am absolutley pissed about and i have not done any training at all in the last week. I went to playsquash yesterday and was feeling very very ill by the time i was done. Grrr.

Whats going on?

Thursday, February 23, 2006


mmmm the week I am having! For those who have been asking how it is that we triathletes fit everything in....I am just going to say right now that i am not! :)
Have had an absolute shocker.

Tuesday I started back at uni which is 6 hours per week face to face coontact plus the whole lets right a thesis thing....not that much extra time then what i am normally doing, but i swear i have achieved absolultey nothing this week. After uni finished at 8:30 I decided that i would go to my squash clubs first meeting of the year and try and have a game. There was at least 50 first years all there and we had 3 courts so the math....i chatted with a couple of the guys for a while and then decided that i needed to go and go for a swim. Did a 1k sprint session and got out of the pool buggered!

Wednesday morning i left my house at 5am to get to work by 6:30 so i could work my 9 hours and then leave by 3:30 to get to uni. After the whole bastard day that i had, i left uni and went straight home to sleep...mmm sleep !

Thursday. Lets just say, i dont really want to talk about it, but i will put a picture in of my car for you to see. not my fault. innocently left it parked on the side of the road and some guy collected it and 4 others in the rain. this now means that i am without transport adn the car is not able to be fixed until the nice little policeman enters it into his computer which he didnt do yesterday before he went off shift. grr. so i worked until 7:15 last night got home to go for a de-stress run to realise that all of my training gear was in the car, so i called a friend and chatted and laughed and had a beer instead. which was probably more beneficial to my sanity than the run...

The weekend needs to be filled with much training. My current schedule is making this hard, and i am planning a long easy ride on sat and then racing on you think it is reasonable to put all of my training into 4 days?

Monday, February 20, 2006


MMM Sleep!

Well! Apart from hating running I cant spell either!

So here is the thing! I had the weekend off and wasnt feeling too bad on monday...jumped on my bike and then rode for an hour and a half around the city which was cool...although the track i took normally takes me half an hour and i hit massive wind on the way back which is why it took me an hour...

So, then i decided alright, i will go to the gym...and i did! I did a brick session on the bike and the treadmill...spin for 10mins and then run for 5...i did 3 repeats of this. Generally if i do a brick, i usually ride for an hour and then run a couple of ks...the thighs are feeling a bit sore today which is a good sign i think...

Have a club race on the weekend, and at this point although i am stil feeling a bit average, i almost feel like i will be able to run the whole running part...even if it is a psychological thing cause i know that i can run 7k which will hopefully overcome the oh my god my legs hurt feeling!

*Lindsay continues silly smile though*

Friday, February 17, 2006


i hate runninig again

Well...i went training with my workmate sar and we ran possibly 2k (at the very most) and i was in agony...there were stitches everywhere in my body and was feeling like i was going to pass out and vomit.

i havent felt like this since i first started running adn i was feeling jelly legs and really average all night afterwards...

i also slept for 12 hours last night...and woke up and still had no energy...might skip the ride today...

coudl it be that i am getting sick?

Thursday, February 16, 2006


I Broke 6mins

So i got home yesterday afternoon and had a half an hour window where i could do some kind of i thought ok...its time to do my normal 2k jaunt which i do once a week just to see how i am going...

for the last little while i have been running about a 7-8min k (i dont actually have a stop watch i use my phone, so i go in full minutes - damnit i should actually buy some kind of functional measuring devices - but i cant be a nerd *as she furiously types on her blog*)

Ok so back to the actual point! I was running along quite hard for my standards and got to the end of my k to find that the 6th minute hadnt clocked over yet! Whoot! I have broken the 6minutes! I did the same on the return K.

I must admit it felt good to get back from a run where i was all hot and sweaty and long runs that i have been doing lately i will come back, and i will be a bit hot, and a bit tired but nothing like i used to be....i mean on one hand i guess it means i am fitter but at the same time, i have to work so much harder for the same result :)

anyway, i am going to do a long run this afternoon with one of the girls from work which i am doing a corporate tri event with, I am doing the swim leg so maybe i should train for that! but it will be good to actually run with someone for a change...till she kicks my ass and i will get upset :)

i cant believe i am starting to like running eek!

i had a awesome dinner last night with my 2 best mates and we sat and chatted about sex! :) i had some more fun text messages (Sorry Tesso, I would love to spill the details but i think it is fun to keep the intrigue happening :)) and slept till 5 am when i woke up completley refreshed to find that it was dark and i couldnt go riding anyway...maybe i could buy one of those new fangeled light thingys...

might go on a group ride tommorrow i think :)

and i am having my 8th official date on Sunday *lindsay grins like a big idiot!*

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Why Am I so tired?

Ok so yesterday morning as we know, i was unable to pull my sorry bum out of bed before work to train....BTW, when i say train before work that is from 5am - 6am so that i can leave my house by 6:15, which is normally not a problem except that it is dark at that time of the morning now....

Anyway, i got caught up at work yesterday afternoon and didnt get home till about 7:45 jumped straight on my bike and rode around in the kick ass wind for half an hour before it got dark. So i went home had my frozen meal and was asleep by 9:30pm (which is the earliest i have been in bed alone since about 1984).

Had some text messsages around 10 which woke me up (but made me smile :)) and i fell back to sleep...however. this body is used to having 5 hours sleep or body was wide awake at 3:30am and i figure that i could run a marathon easily...i forced myself back to sleep and then when my alarm went off at 5am i couldnt sleep enough and as a result have not done my scheduled run....

I cant work out why i am sleeping so much and why i am so tired...i have been struggling seriously for the last couple of weeks. the weekend messed me up a little i think cause i usually have a bit of sleep after training on saturday and sunday to play catch up which i didnt do this week....but could be the extra day that i am travelling.....

either way, its all being very unproductive? Any ideas anyone?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Run (5K) and 2K Swim

Well i promised that i would do good things after work yesterday afternoon and i did!

it was a bit overcast when i was driving through the city home yesterday, but i looked over and there were my running shoes looking all lonely. So i went up to the beach (stripped off in my car! oh how risque!) and then got started. Ran out past the baths to the skate park at Newcastle Beach and then back up to the end of the break wall and back. Was a bit cold and windy but all good. Was keeping my normal pace (by keeping time in my head!) and ran for about 45mins. Came to the conclusion that it must have been around 5k if i take into account that i usually run around an 8minute k in the wind :) Was beautiful. Think i am going to run around the beach more :)

I then went for a swim at the pool (after forgetting my goggles and having to go home and get them :)). Did 2K the first 500m was murder (i havent swam for 3 weeks!) and then was feeling pretty good when i got out, the aches and pains of the weekend had kindof gone away which was cool!

Was on my way home and caught up with some friends and went for a valentines beer. Conclusion i finished swimming about 9:30 and then ended up eating my McCain frozen dinner at 11:30 last night...oh well! thats good for my metabolism right.,..

the plan this morning was to cycle. But not surprisingly I slept in. This arvo it is...might ride to the end of industrial drive and back. At that time of the day the trucks make it exciting :)

Monday, February 13, 2006


Long Ride (2 hours) and Long Run (7K)

mmm...the blogging and the weekend!

I got up and took gertrude for a big ride (2 hours) around newcastle including some nasty hills...gotta tell you though after riding around on hilary, getting back to riding upright as well as the heavier bike was very hard work. In addition to this though i was getting my period (sorry if boys are reading wait, thats right noone reads it :)) and always really struggle at that time of the month. Stopped at one point and bought some powerade, it was probably about 45 minutes in and then i felt heaps better. I also forgot to eat before going which i dont think helped me out. Scoffed a banana as soon as i got home though, and my head stopped spinning a little bit. took cooper for a walk along the foreshore and up to newcastle beach and thought about running. Promptly stopped thinking about it though :)

Got up and did a 1hour running session...i think i covered about 7k which is really slow but that was kinda the purpose. I didnt feel too bad at the end, and hit some fairly nasty headwinds as i was running about. Was tempted to push it further except that i knew i had a lunch date which i needed to get to...mmm lunch :) its strange though, i was running what seemed like faster than i have been which may have something to do with the whole, getting to be able to run better thing, but i am not actually runnign faster if that makes sense...maybe its just feeling easier...i am not really even getting puffed anymore...does this mean that i need to pick up the pace, and make my body work more? maybe i should do a couple of speed sessions this week....i hate running, but i am getting to hate it less :)

have also found that like my swiming, running has a psychological component. The first k of my run, my legs hurt, i feel like i am going to die and cant go on. i hit the 1k and 1 step mark and i recover and hit my rhythm and dont feel any more pain until the 6k mark....i am the same in swimming, where the first 500m are hell and then after that i can swim forever....its funny though, when i am racing, i jump in the pool and swim in the most relaxed fashion, but still hit rhytm really quickly, now why cant i do that in training.

i then went down to syd and had alot of fun. i like dates. :) and gelato...its my new passion ! mmmm...almost overtaking the cookies and cream with cookie dough...almost :P

I layed around the house as i didnt get to bed until 6am..had a couple of hours sleep and then up i was again...i swear i will train today...i even packed the swim gear and running clothes in the know i will....i migth head straight to the beach this arv and do some running and then have a swim at the baths...doesnt that sound nice? it will happen damnit..stop looking at me like that :)

on unrelated news, i managed to hand something to my supervisor. it was crap. but handed nonetheless. :)

maybe it really is going to be a new year...

i wrote my timetable last week and i actually have a fraction more spare time than i thought i did.

Have also decided to do the loop the lake ( 50k leg on the 12th of march! now doesnt that sound like fun, and i will even get a shirt :)

Thursday, February 09, 2006


to blog or not to blog

Ah the blogging.
Ok so where am i! Tuesday i worked (and blogged incidently) and have since forgotten to add more info in here.

I had tuesday off training cause i was having a shocker and ended up hanging out with my mum instead (which is more fun then running!)

I did a 2k run after work cause it was all i had time to do and then went and had icecream for dinner (which i think is bad!)....mmm so yummy! woke up the next morning at 3am very hungry though...

Got home from work, jumped on hilary and did 30 minutes of speed work. Was made a bit trickier cause there was a very strong headwind, but all good. Think i would have done about 15ks all in all. Not 100% sure though. Then i went to the gym and jumped on the treadmill and ran for 30mins straight (whoot!) did one of those random pre-programmed hill courses although, i couldnt really tell the difference to running normally! i ended up doing 4K though which i was happy with after the ride!

Havent done anything today yet, but i will go for a ride when i get home, and then am planning a couple of rides and runs over the weekend and i should probably have a swim at some point!

Monday, February 06, 2006


My Weekend! I am such a slack blogger!

ooh I am back!

I have been away for the weekend and have had an awesome one! Anyway all in order.

Wednesday Morning
woke up and did a 30 minute sprint session this morning cause i slept in a little bit, so i did this instead of my 1 hour ride...god i am a being a slacker at the moment!

Thursday Arvo
Went for a run and hit the 7min per k speed which i think is a bit faster than i have been doing like 30secs...felt buggered though. Dont know whats happening with the whole running thing, my body hates me so much rigth now...

Slept in on friday morning so missed getting up and going for a ride (Bugger!) then in the arvo i was meant to take my client to the gym and he didnt turn up so, i got no exercise at all on Friday....(Bad, very bad!). Anyway, headed down to syd for a date on friday night...had some good chinese food, had heaps of fun and went home smiling to my sisters place :)

Slept in more today (well till at least 9:30) and then went and had lunch and wandered around glebe markets and sat watched the band, chatted, watched the fire eating guy, chatted. was all good. Went shopping and had dinner with my mum had really good chicken snitzel which had big chunky mushrooms all over it mmm yum! Then went home and watched some movies and crashed out!

Got up and went for a run from Glebe to annandale around the harbour, took me about 50 minutes, and there was probably 45mins of solid running in that. Was quite nice. but my god, i didnt realise that Glebe was hilly! Walked to pitt street mall (about 4 k) and back adn did some shopping! Everyone was cranky. Went and watched the "campy cowboy movie" which wasnt too bad and i didnt cry (Good work Lindsay!), had dinner, played in the park and then pretty much crashed out!

Went for a 40 minute ride on hilary and couldnt work out why the hills were killing me until i reallised that i was on the big ring instead of the small one! Good work. The hills got a bit more manageable after hips and quads are killing me now for it though. My sisters first day at Brent st. Did the whole orienting thing and then walked some more (I am a bit over walking!). Headed back home after some bad Thai food (I thought all things in Glebe were meant to be fantastic!)

Well here i am. Back at work. No exercise this morning, but i am going to run this arv, I swear!

BTW. My friday night smile remains! :)

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