Wednesday, June 28, 2006


General Blah

Ok, before i hide behind the shame of very little exercise over the last week, I am going to provide the following pieces of information...

1. I was in bed and couldnt get up for 2 days due to a flu thing and a very unpleasant pain in my head.
2. Its cold and dark damnit :P
3. On seeing my chiropractor this week she informed me that the reason i am having said headaches is because my top 3 vertabrae in my neck arent in alignment at all...also my right pelvis bone isnt talking to my left pelvis bone and my left shoulder is completley out...explaining all of the random pain i have been experiencing...that was $75 well spent i suppose....

anyway...i went for a run today. well it ended up being more of a walk cause of the stiches, but i have the best intentions for a swim tommorrow i swear...



Wow I am feeling like a true blogger at this point!

4 jobs I have had- freezer manager, psychologist, deli worker, employment consultant

4 movies I could watch over and over - High Fidelity, Love Actually, The Castle and Crackerjack.

4 places I have lived- Huntingdon, Laurieton, Lambton, Carrington

4 TV shows I love to watch - Australian Story, queer as folk, Enough Rope and The Simpsons

4 places I have been on vacation- Bali, Melbourne, Brisbane, Laurieton

4 websites I visit each day- Bloglines, Studentmail, (grr work) cool runnings

4 favorite foods - Cold Rock icecream (Cookies and Cream with double cookie dough), mexican (61), Thai noodles (12 with chicken and tofu) and diet coke (is that a food?)

4 places I would rather be right now- watching the sunset over the ocean and taking pictures, an exclusive intimate gig with one of my fav musos and some mates, cycling around vietnam, flying down a massive hill on my bike listening to my fav song...

4 favorite bands - Coldplay, Mia Dyson, Jeff Buckley, Radiohead

4 Bloggers I am tagging - Dave, Jodie, Ellie and Brucer!



Friday, June 23, 2006


the week in review

Well this week i havent managed to really get in any of the sessions I was planning on....

Tuesday- 30min run around the beaches
Wed- Missed long run due to rain and sore head. 40min run med tempo
Thursday - 2k in pool 2x500 sprints, 1 x 1k with intervals - 1 fast, 1 slow
Friday - 1.5k warm up run on treadmill, some various weights...not sure which ones..
Today - Ride on gertrude (Hybrid) to the beach and back about 14k....about 40mins

Feeling a bit despondent right now, bits and pieces of stuff going on which is making it harder for me to have some level of focus on this whole exercise thing, then i think about it and realise that i have half in a month which i dont know that i am prepared for and a tri season starting in 2months...that and the ever pending thesis in oct which my supervisor has taken 6months off and forgotten to mention....


Monday, June 19, 2006


Well I am back!

Thanks all for the birthday wishes! Went out had me some drinking, some gifts and then a nice little night in a motel :) I got a bit spoilt!

Anyway, so thursday my knee was still killing me, so i set out on my hybrid and did some easy half hours cruising around the city...its nice to have gears again, i must admit!

Friday I attempted to write some more thesis which was not as productive as it could have been..Went to the pool around lunch time and did 2k in 500m sets, this took me with breaks 45mins so i am guessing around 10mins a set, although the first was more like i am possibly getting closer to the 8mins i used to do...I went out riding with Sar and Ben for about an hour around the coast, and cruised reasonably slowly on dark. Probably about an hour and probably 15-20k

Saturday i got up early (well 6:30) and went for a ride with Lauren. We cruised fairly easily until i hit the uphil stretch near newcastle beach and had me some serious concerns about what was happening with hilarys gears and getting my tooshie up the hill...the chain didnt fall off though which was a bonus....Lauren went home about 35 mins in due to the massive wind that was everywhere, and i kept riding around for 1.5hours to clear my head a little bit. Sat arvo, I took coopy to the park and played some soccer and ran around, and then laughed when someones legs were very tender the next morning.....went out for some more socialising on sat night, and dancing was done, dancing is exercise right?

Sunday had a bit of a shocker all around and didnt feel like doing anything, but went for a bit of a ride in the arvo, again more as a head clearing exercise than anything else...

Monday night after work I decided that i would try out the running leg and went along the foreshore, did the first 2k in 8.5mins and then did a very slow run back cause the leg was hurting and i was feeling it a bit....i forgot to check how long it took though....

Today i am planning a swim and a ride before my 2hour run tommorrow....

I am feelign really average today, and continue to have a headache which has been around for at least 3 weeks now....i am guessing i need to get my body to the chiro....god i whinge alot dont i?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Its My Birthday!

Ok so lets play with my favourite thing - numbers! :)

24 - number of years i am today
110-number of minutes i ran for this morning
10- number of friends who called me this morning to wish me happy birthday
1- number of bike rides i have been on in the last 2 weeks because of rain
20- number of people who have called me a freak following the half marathon announcement
1- number of chris issak cds i got for my birthday
8- number of friends coming to have dinner with me.
1- number of people i will gain some kind of birthday kiss from

I like numbers!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Running Caper

Wow! If i keep up the efforts of the last couple of days, people may be actually fooled into thinking i like this running business! :)

Monday night, I braved the cold and went for my normal little run along the foreshore, the downside of course being that as it was later, there was less people, and i got a bit scared and turned around a bit earlier than normal cause there was a group of scary looking boys at the dark end...about 3.7k in 20mins. I think i run faster in the cold :)

Tuesday i Had planned a ride to the terrace andn back, but it rained all day. Instead i donned the running shoes and went for a run up to the breakwall adn up to newcastle beach..probably 3 or 4 ks...missed the rain by this much !

Today was my day of the long run, and as with every wednesday i struggled to make any kiind of motivation happen. I ran out past the mangroves, along the bike path across the bridge and through the park (which isnt too scary in the day) and cruised along some friendly streets then back home...i dont know how far i would have ran, due to it being on paths etc and cant measure but one section i know is a k, i was doing under 7.5k min both there and back, i also had a negative split by a minute which i think is a good if i sat around the 7.5-8min k i would have done between 13 and 14.5 k in 1.50. My longest run by far. My knee is feeling it now though...have to visit me a gp and get me a referral to see the physio i think...

anyone have any ideas about how effective a neurofen gel or something like that would be?

Saturday, June 03, 2006


Winter. Brr!

I ended up going for the long run on wednesday and did my 90mins. I ended up getting further on the way back than on the way there, so i think i have picked up the speed a little bit, even though to the passerbys i still look like i am walking. :) Have taken on some of the tips from the cool runnings guys which are helping. The knee still gets really sore though about half way through the run...mmm...dont know what to do about this..i am thinking it might be a bit of a cold thing as well though cause i have been finding it aching more late in the arvos....

had thursday and friday off which seems to be a bit of a trend...

Had lined up to go on a training ride this morning with Lauren from work, but when i got up it was cold, rainy and windy as. We both piked. I stayed in bed for an extra couple of hours... :) Did redeem myself somewhat and went to the gym this arv though. 10k on the bike - 17mins (RPM 125+), 2K run, 1k in the pool....

i also spied the masters squad at the pool this arv, but dont know whether i could deal, they seem to do all of the strokes. I am a pure freestyle girl :P

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